Handstand, Hand-balancing: pros, cons, nuance and preparation

Handstand, Hand-balancing: pros, cons, nuance and preparation

The handstand is one of the most effective and useful training exercises. Proper technique engages the shoulder girdle, arm, and cortex muscles train movement coordination and balance, and increases blood circulation to the brain. The exercise is used in various sports and physical practices such as power gymnastics, acrobatic dancing, break dancing, street workout, cheerleading, and yoga.

What are the Pros of doing Handstand?

A proper handstand looks like a transfer of the whole body weight on the hands with feet up and heads down. The handstand exercise involves straight, parallel arms at shoulder width, and while the body weight is transferred to the arms, the torso and legs pull up the body axis. Normal upright posture and the ability to bend the legs are signs that the pose is correct. A correctly made handstand is useful because the muscles get a powerful load, and the upper part of the body is trained perfectly, in this position develops a sense of balance and coordination of movements.

Thus, the technique of performing a handstand should be carefully and carefully honed near the wall without overloading, ideally under the supervision of an experienced trainer.

At Capital Circus, you can start your professional hand-balancing training with Cirque du Soleil performer

You don’t need any previous handstand experience only your willingness to learn and improve!
Remember that you must learn consistency in order to achieve results. Move confidently and patiently toward your goal, and let your spirits from gaining the skill propel the practice forward.

A handstand makes your arms and shoulders stronger. Just a few minutes of this workout will already give noticeable results. Without the use of machines or heavy weights, you can even at home build up the upper body muscles.It improves the endocrine system. During the handstand there is a blood flow to the head, starting the production and assimilation of hormones T3 and T4, necessary for fat burning. The stress hormone cortisol in this position starts to be produced in lesser quantities.

Regular exercise forces the body to saturate bone tissue with calcium. Handstand reverses the usual direction of the load on the spine, and thus strengthens those parts of the spine that were previously inaccessible. Improves spatial perception. Handstand trains our brain to better navigate in space, and to adapt.

So, what is so good about the handstand, besides being beautiful?

It is believed that it can heal many ailments, if not all… That’s why it is called the queen among the asanas! We tell you about its benefits, contraindications, and techniques.

The panacea for all diseases is, in short, the benefit of the handstand. There is an opinion that it has no equal in its ability to heal. Let’s look in detail at why handstand is so good, how to perform it correctly, and to whom, alas, it is contraindicated.

The Pros of doing handstands and the most important thing is that standing on your hands not only makes you stronger but also gives the flow of fresh blood to the head. This means that the brain cells are renewed, the thinking ability is increased, and the head becomes light and clear. By the way, all inverted asanas (where the pelvis is higher than the head) are famous for this.
Blood goes to the pituitary and the epiphysis, important glands in the brain on which our health directly depends. Both our physical and mental health.
It balances the hormones, and this is how it happens. For the production of hormones in our pituitary gland (it produces hormones that affect growth, metabolism, and reproduction). But you and I are walking on our feet, the blood in the body flows down all the time, and the pituitary gland may not get an accurate picture of the number of hormones we need. But when we move into a standing position, the blood rushes to our head and the pituitary gland has all the information it needs. It “sees” which hormones we are lacking and begins the process of replenishing them.
It reduces the pressure on the walls of the venous vessels. This is relevant for those who suffer from varicose veins. Regular hand-balancing training helps to eliminate the risk of dilated veins and prevents the development of the disease.
Starts the process of rejuvenation. How does this happen? Handstand, like all inverted positions, changes the flow of energy in the human body. 

It removes toxins, and all unnecessary things from the body are removed by lymph. And it flows only under the power of gravity or during the work of the muscles. If a person leads an inactive life, his muscles are flabby and undeveloped – lymph, alas, stagnates. An amazing effect happens when we turn upside down. Lymph under the force of gravity again begins to work and free the body from accumulated toxins.
It improves metabolism.

Turns on the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation. After all, what happens when we do a stance? Intracranial pressure rises. That’s when the body “wakes up” and starts the process of self-regulation. It starts to reassure us that everything is fine, and there is no danger. That’s why there is such a pleasant feeling of tenderness and relaxation when we come out of this pose. The parasympathetic nervous system is activated in the body.
It gets rid of nervous tension, stress, and anxiety.
Strengthens the work of the lungs, this in turn protects us from coughs and sore throats. It is believed that the one who does a handstand every day, just has no chance to get sick with flu and colds.
It fills you with energy and relieves you from fatigue and insomnia.

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