Preparation before Hand-balancing class. Getting your body ready before diving into any physical activity, including handstand training, isn’t just a good idea! It’s just like giving your body a friendly nudge for overall health and happiness. Let’s take a...
Stretching has great health benefits for children. It improves the elasticity of muscles and ligaments, strengthens muscles and joint ligaments, forms the correct posture, increases the amplitude of movements, thus reducing the risk of injury, eliminates stiffness in the...
Stretching for adults at Capital Circus Ottawa Stretching is a very important and useful element of any training, which should never be forgotten, both for children and adults. But the methods and goals of exercises to develop flexibility in...
Why juggling is important? Capital circus invites you to get acquainted with the direction – of juggling for children. Classes are suitable for beginners as well as for those who already have skills in this discipline. We accept girls...
Here at Capital Circus School in Ottawa, we currently train kids starting at age 7. New classes for small kids will be open soon, and I would suggest starting at 3–4 years old. Sometimes, it is important to stay...
Developing yourself Some circus disciplines, such as acrobatics, indeed, have much in common with gymnastics; it is, in fact, a type of gymnastics but related to various ranges of art forms. The emphasis in this discipline is on the...
The handstand is one of the most effective and useful training exercises. Proper technique engages the shoulder girdle, arm, and cortex muscles train movement coordination and balance, and increases blood circulation to the brain. The exercise is used in...
A monocycle, or unicycle, is a bicycle with only one wheel. It has no chain and no handlebars. The pedals rotate directly around the axis of the wheel, and you have to turn by moving your feet.Learning to ride...
Handbalancing and yoga The balancing asanas on the hands are usually accompanied by various epithets: the most difficult, the most effective, ego-boosting, useless, and traumatic. There are probably no other asanas that provoke so many contradictory opinions, emotions, and...
“Kooza” in Gatineau “Kooza” is one of the best shows by Cirque du Soleil and is performing in Gatineau/Ottawa now.This is an amazing opportunity for the whole family to watch this stunning show. Thanks to the amazing performer and...