Tight wire session


The technique of walking on a tight wire (tightrope) is very interesting and training is possible at any age and in almost any physical shape.
Both children and adults can learn it and with regular, at least 2 times a week, classes can be achieved a good result in a relatively short time.
To perform tricks you’d need to improve acrobatic skills and also choreographic movements.
During the classes, we will study a number of elements: the positioning of the body and head, the correct position of arms and legs. Balance on the left and right leg alternately, the balance on both legs and moving forward and backward.
Also, as we improve technique, we will move to squats on the wire to the knee, turns, fast movement on the wire, etc.
Price: $275
$240 plus $35 registration fee
  • 6 classes
  • Max 4 students per class
  • Thursday 7-8 PM

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